Karina Lopez Sitja

Ceramic Art

Ceramic Art - Sculptures


Karina Lopez Sitja creates her works from pure intuition, letting form and movement flow through her hands. This is the reason why she prefers a direct contact with the elements such as clay, porcelain and fine materials to produce unique pieces of Art. This creative impulse reflects her own way of life, where Buddhism and searching for the voice of the Heart are always present. Wabi Sabi, philosophy of Japanese aesthetics that recognizes Beauty in imperfection and honors the passing of time, also places a special emphasis on her white and polished pieces and rusted bases.


Karina Lopez Sitja’s fluency and spontaneous movement of the small and subtle details in her works of Arts, depict her intention to share her inner perception of the world around her and her life. Every piece of Ceramic Art and its creative process represent this precise moment when feelings and form reach a state of harmony.


Murals or Individual Ceramic Art Sculptures are unique pieces. They can also be made in different sizes and media, such as stoneware ceramics, porcelain or stone, according to any commission or we can work together to find what best suits your ideal.

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Ceramic Art

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