About Me

“The cycles of creative processes… They are a struggle, which will be fought for a lifetime, and it is worth it.
It is a struggle that generates incredible pleasure and joy. Each attempt is imperfect and at the same time, each of these imperfect attempts is an opportunity for delight unlike anything else on earth.

Stephen Nachmanovitch

About Me - Biography

Argentine-Spanish, I was born in Buenos Aires and I now live and work in Barcelona.

I began my training in ceramic sculpture in Buenos Aires, with my great teacher, the sculptor Leo Tavella. Also with masters such as Antonio Pujía and Leandro Niro.
Later, I trained in Sculpture and Muralism at IUNA (Instituto Universitario Nacional de las Artes), Buenos Aires, Argentina.

Since the beginning I have been developing this passion for ceramic sculpture, and I feel honored by the recognition of my work, through 1st and 2nd Prizes and Jury Mentions from prestigious national and international Institutions and Museums.
I have presented my work in galleries and private collections in Argentina, USA, Peru, Spain and Uruguay.

The practice of Zen Buddhism, the philosophy of Japanese aesthetics and the search for continuous Zen balance, are prisms through which I observe and live life, and so I reflect it in my work.
I admire the philosophy of Japanese Wabi Sabi aesthetics and its acceptance of the beauty of imperfection.
When I am creating a work, I cannot leave aside this philosophical symbology about the organic, the feminine, the fluidity and the subtle. It is a very intuitive and spontaneous work, in which the pieces adopt their form according to my most intimate feelings. My work constantly brings me back to the present moment, whatever it is.

I always choose natural elements, such as ceramic or porcelain, iron, stone, because of my relationship with the organic and my strong feeling towards Nature.
In this way, I achieve a very refined result, delicate and with a lot of strength of continuous movement, which represents me in everything I am and feel.


  • “1er Premio en Escultura” SAAP – Sociedad Argentina de Artistas Plásticos. Argentina. 
  • “2do Premio en Escultura” SAAP – IV Salón Raquel Forner – Homenaje a la Mujer. Argentina. 
  • “Mención del Jurado en Escultura” -Salón Anual de la Municipalidad de San Isidro, Buenos Aires, Argentina. 
  • “Mención Mitra” – Mitra – AAC Arte Argentino Contemporáneo, Buenos Aires, Argentina. 
  • “Seleccionada” en el Salón Nacional, Palais de Glace. Ministerio de Cultura de la Nación Argentina. Buenos Aires, Argentina. (see sculpture)
  • “Seleccionada” por el Ministerio de Cultura de Perú, para representar Argentina en Escultura, en Muestra Anual Internacional, Ministerio de Cultura de Perú. Ciudad de Puno, Perú.


  • 55° Salón Anual Internacional de Arte Cerámico – CAAC. Buenos Aires, Argentina. 
  • Exhibición Individual en la Embajada de Uruguay en Washington DC, USA. 
  • Galería Maxó, 2020 Barcelona.     
  • Espacio “El Siglo”, muestra individual. Mercantic, Sant Cugat, Barcelona. 
  • Centro Cultural Montjuic, Barcelona.   
  • Petit Japó, Mercantic, Sant Cugat, Barcelona.   
  • BCM Art Gallery. Barcelona.  
  • Fundación Rómulo Raggio, Exhibición online “Covid 2020”, Buenos Aires.   
  • WALMER Interiorismo, Buenos Aires, Argentina.   
  • Museo Fundación Raggio, Exhibición grupal en “Homenaje a Leo Tavella”, Buenos Aires.  
  • Museo de Esculturas Luis Perlotti. Buenos Aires.   
  • Museo de Artes Plásticas Eduardo Sívori, Argentina   
  • Museo de Arte Carlos Regazzoni, Buenos Aires.   
  • Bolsa de Comercio de la Nación, Buenos Aires, Argentina.    
  • Honorable Concejo Deliberante de la Nación Argentina, Buenos Aires.    
  • SAAP- Sociedad Argentina de Artistas Plásticos.   
  • Salón Anual de la Municipalidad de San Isidro, Buenos Aires.  
  • Lamroth Hakol, Buenos Aires.    
  • MAT – Museo de Arte de la ciudad de Tigre – Buenos Aires.